Day 1 – Thursday
8:00 Coffee
9:00 Opening Service
10:00 Welcome & Introductions
10:15 Coffee Break
10:30 Keynote Speaker #1
11:45 Divine Savior Ministries
12:15 Lunch
1:15 Workshop #1
2:15 Break
2:30 Workshop #2
3:30 Break
3:45 Walking Together (flexible content)
4:00 President’s Remarks
4:45 Closing Devotion
5:30 Dinner
Evening Fellowship - The GROW Conference is working together with Divine Savior Ministries as this year’s sponsor organization. Special thanks to Divine Savior Ministries not only for presenting at the conference but also facilitating the social gathering on Thursday evening. We hope that everyone can find time to relax, catch up with old friends, and connect with new colleagues too.
Day 2 – Friday
8:00 Coffee
8:45 Opening Devotion
9:00 District Mission Activity
9:15 Keynote Speaker #2 (part 1)
10:00 Break
10:15 Keynote Speaker #2 (part 2)
11:00 Break
11:15 Workshop #3
12:15 Lunch
1:15 Workshop #4
2:15 Break
2:30 Closing Devotion
3:00 Departure