THE priscilla Project




Like the woman Priscilla in the book of Acts, our pastors' wives play a vital role in the life of the church. They hold up their husbands and help him serve the flock. They are examples to other women of what a godly wife should be. They also often struggle with loneliness and unique difficulties that accompany being a pastor's wife.


The Priscilla Project exists to help pastors' wives grow in their spiritual maturity and to provide encouragement and support.


Our vision is to create a safe place where pastors' wives can unpack their emotional and spiritual backpack and find solutions to help them thrive in their unique ministry. We also aim to help create strong, healthy bonds with other pastor's wives where Christ is glorified, their husbands are benefited, and they are strengthened.

A Priscilla Project Retreat is hosted each fall. The wives of pastors and staff ministers in our district come together and spend time in God’s Word, unwind, and build connections. The 2023 retreat will be held November 3-5 near Waco, TX.


"The Priscilla Retreat is a great time to put names

to faces, grow and develop friendships, and

reach the point where you feel comfortable

sharing in a safe space that develops over these

few days." - Hannah

Questions? Contact Sara Sutton at